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Weborama Certified ✔

I want to become Weborama Certified

Great that you are interested in Weborama Certified! As mentioned before, this exam is mainly intended for advanced developers who would like to get more out of our templates.

The exam

We offer this exam to test your knowledge of our HTML5 Rich Media templates in practice. This is how we determine the level of an advanced developer. The exam consists of 4 exercises and below you will find the necessary knowledge to pass this exam. Check these carefully before you start.

Required knowledge/experience:


Able to build interactive Rich Media creations


Experience with Weborama templates


Experience with Weborama's screenad interface API


Experience working with shared features, various screenad listeners, the Weborama video player and more..

You can download the exam via the button at the bottom of this page. When you have completed the exam, you can send it to If the exam has been passed, you will receive the certificate by email and a registration form for the Webo Certified Workshop. This certificate is valid for 2 years, after which you will have to take a new exam.

We highlight the creative agency you work for or you as a freelancer on our Weboshowcase, website and social channels. Of course you can also post the achievement of this certificate on the website and/or communicate via social channels. With this you show that you are an advanced developer towards advertisers and media agencies.

Webo Certified Workshop

The 'Webo Certified Workshop' is only for certified developers. This will take place once a year and during this workshop we will take you through the latest trends and developments of Rich Media. In the registration form you can write down topics that you would like to learn more about, which we will include during the workshop.

Our support team will also be there to take you through new formats, answer technical questions and highlight untapped opportunities. Finally, a guest speaker will provide the necessary inspiration, after which the drinks can start!

More information about the date of this workshop will follow soon.

Questions or comments? Please contact us via