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I'm a Creative Agency

We have done the technical part so you can be creative!

As an agency, you probably want to focus on creativity without being technologically challenged. If so, you will appreciate the fact that our templates are easy to use and come with many supportive tools to provide you with total freedom and flexibility. Our Screenad Interface provides essential and advanced functionalities that make Advanced Rich Media and special features easier to build.

Whether you are a creative agency or a media agency, feel free to challenge us at any time about specific (publisher) possibilities, custom formats, upcoming innovations, and ways to achieve specific goals for your clients.


Some examples of essential functionalities used by our formats (templates) include:


Align and position on screen

Banner Behavior

Expand, collapse, hide, and show


Track user interactions (click/tap, dwell, visibility, expand, hide, play video, etc.)


Synchronize multiple ads (so they all start at the same time)


Adapt to in-app environments if needed


Display video accordingly on different environments


Some examples of essential functionalities used by our formats (templates) include:


Align and position on screen

Banner Behavior

Expand, collapse, hide, and show


Track user interactions (click/tap, dwell, visibility, expand, hide, play video, etc.)


Synchronize multiple ads (so they all start at the same time)


Adapt to in-app environments if needed


Display video accordingly on different environments


Some examples of more advanced functionalities include:

Device Features

Shortcuts for device functionalities like send mail/SMS and make calls


Easy communication between ads and with current site

Browser Behaviour

Detect browser scrolling and resizing (and get exact values)


Detect current type of device, operating system, and screen orientation

Device Motion

Detect device movement (using the gyroscope)


Some examples of more advanced functionalities include:

Device Features

Shortcuts for device functionalities like send mail/SMS and make calls


Easy communication between ads and with current site

Browser Behaviour

Detect browser scrolling and resizing (and get exact values)


Detect current type of device, operating system, and screen orientation

Device Motion

Detect device movement (using the gyroscope)

Learn more about our templates and the Screenad Interface

check out our help center and the Screenad Interface API.

Learn more about our templates and the Screenad Interface

check out our help center and the Screenad Interface API.