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Adways: Interactive Video Advertising

Posted on June 13, 2023

Every day, you come across hundreds of advertisements, but how does a brand truly leave a lasting impression? With 52% of marketing professionals worldwide recognizing video advertising as the type of content with the best ROI, it's no wonder that more and more companies are utilizing video ads. Moreover, video-based content is easier to comprehend and provides a combination of entertainment and product education.

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, it's a challenge to continuously innovate and make a real impact. Rich media is a powerful tool that helps you stand out, not only in display ads but also in online videos. Adways offers a wide range of eye-catching and effective interactive video formats that help advertisers achieve this goal.

Increased attention value & engagement
Many marketers know the problem that their content is good, but it's hard to really stand out and hold attention. People are familiar with a standard preroll or outstream video and attention quickly goes elsewhere. By actively engaging viewers, you keep them longer and get more attention. This leads to better brand recognition and provides more information transfer.

Linear & nonlinear
In 2018 we already wrote about linear videos, such as in-stream and outstream online videos, which are widely recognized by most marketers and are often used before desired videos or in articles. At Adways, we offer a variety of formats that allow advertisers to immediately capture and stand out among the audience. With our Skins, Skeep, and Seekbar formats, you can effectively convey your message and engage with your target audience in a creative and impactful manner.

Invideo – Coming Soon
In addition to linear videos, Adways is soon introducing a new interactive approach called Invideo. With the Invideo product, interactive advertisements can be displayed during content playback without disrupting the content itself. This ensures a user-friendly and uninterrupted viewing experience. Within this category, Adways offers two different skin formats: Skinroll and Inkroll. Both formats empower advertisers to enhance their brand identity and create a seamless visual experience.

Adways provides advertisers with the tools they need to creatively and effectively convey their brand message while simultaneously enhancing audience engagement and interaction. For more information, you can also also view this deck.

Questions? Send an email to sales@weborama.nl. We are at your service!