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FAQ: Adways - Interactive Video Advertising

Posted on June 13, 2023

Discover everything about Adways, our innovative Interactive Video Design product. We've enlisted the expertise of our product owner, Tijn, to provide insights into the real benefits of Adways and address all your inquiries. Continue reading to gain a comprehensive understanding of how Adways can elevate your video content to new heights.

What is Adways?
Adways is a label within Weborama specializing in creating interactive online video formats. These in-stream and out-stream formats generate higher user engagement compared to traditional linear online video formats. By incorporating interactive elements such as skins, sliders, skip buttons, multi-videos, and branded progress bars, you can maximize the impact of your online video campaigns.

Why would I use Adways formats?
In our industry, we readily embrace new techniques and innovations. Interactive prerolls are not new, but our Adways software makes it much easier to quickly create various formats. This collection of formats not only delivers eye-catching results but also stands out due to its interactive nature. As a brand, you want to capture attention and stand out, especially considering the cost of video production. With Adways, you can make the most out of your video campaigns.

How does Adways work?
Within Adways, we offer a variety of formats. Together with our team, you can select the format that best suits your campaign and provide the necessary source materials. Often, these materials such as videos and visuals are readily available as they are also used for other digital content. We assemble everything and provide you with the VAST tag. This tag can then be booked as a preroll or outstream in the DSP or directly.

What are the benefits of Adways?
By using Adways, you already stand out from standard video ads. Additionally, there are numerous possibilities to customize the creation according to your preferences. You can choose the format you want, determine the level of interactivity, decide the size of the video in relation to the rest of the content, and even incorporate features like store locators and hotspots. Moreover, you can expect multiple clicks, various interaction events, and detailed video statistics in the reporting.

What sets Adways apart from other Rich Media options?/Why should I choose Adways over APTO (or another format)?
Adways complements other Rich Media formats. It introduces "standardized" interactive formats for online video, similar to what you are accustomed to with display ads. Furthermore, you can leverage existing display formats and translate them into online video. For instance, you can repurpose the header and skins from APTO to create a skinned preroll, or transform a swipecube into a slider preroll. Adways allows online videos to truly stand out and break away from the stagnant visual forms they have had in the past. With Adways, you can expect innovation and differentiation.

What are the international possibilities?
Since it operates through a VAST tag, Adways can be utilized in outstream and instream positions wherever it is accepted. In the Netherlands, this encompasses all platforms except YouTube and social media. Well-known networks such as Ad Alliance, Azerion, Webads, and Mediahuis are compatible with Adways.

What do you think is the biggest advantage for businesses when using Adways?
Using Adways allows businesses to differentiate their brand and stand out from standard prerolls. Each format comes with a template, and simple specifications are available that everyone can understand. Additionally, leveraging existing materials that don't require specific video formatting is a valuable asset, leading to cost savings.

How can companies get the most out of Adways?
If you are already purchasing video and display ads, consider how you can combine the two effectively. Repurpose your skins, swipecubes, and call-to-actions in these new formats. An effective online video should immediately grab attention, and simply extending a TV commercial is not sufficient. Tell the user right away why they should engage with the brand and utilize effective call-to-actions, pay-offs, and interactive elements to achieve that.

What are the latest developments within Adways?
The latest development within Adways is the Invideo product, which offers a unique proposition of interactive ad units that play during the content without disrupting it, unlike pre-, mid-, or endrolls. This form of inventory is currently not available in the Netherlands, but that is expected to change. This shift is driven by the fact that users no longer tolerate multiple prerolls in a row, and midrolls can be equally annoying for users.

Do you see the future of Rich Media being influenced by this?
Certainly. The available video inventory continues to expand due to all the CTV platforms and the fact that much more video content is being created, whereas previously it was primarily written about. Video will no longer be a separate media silo alongside display in the near future. It truly belongs together, especially when you consider that Rich Media in display already consists of more than 50% video. I expect the cross-pollination between video and display to only increase.

What can I expect after the campaign has ended?
In addition to expecting improved CTR and engagement, a brand with a unique advertisement is better remembered, with potential increases of up to 10%. Furthermore, we track all the usual analytics such as interaction, video metrics, impressions, etc. Additionally, we can generate heat maps of the ad, providing new insights for your next campaign.

If you have any further questions or if you're ready to get started with Adways, please don't hesitate to contact us: sales@weborama.nl.