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Are your native ads native enough?

Posted on August 21, 2023

In the world of digital marketing, native ads have proven to be powerful tools for capturing audience attention. These ads flow seamlessly with the surrounding content and provide an organic experience for users.

What are native ads?

Native ads are a form of online advertising that integrate perfectly with the content and design of the website on which they are displayed. Instead of eye-catching banners or intrusive pop-ups, native ads adapt to the environment in which they appear. They follow the aesthetic and style of the website, resulting in a more organic and less disruptive user experience.

Our Native Ads feature, developed in partnership with Xandr, provides a seamless method to fully tailor your ads to the context of each website within the Impact network. Specifically, automatic adjustments such as fonts, colors and frames are made to ensure that your ads perfectly fit the context of the website. Images are scaled, text and call-to-action (CTA) are integrated for a harmonious look.

This unique product can be easily deployed via Execute or you can choose to do it yourself, if within the Weborama Impact network. Just make sure you meet the necessary specifications for a seamless integration.

Want more details? Download our one pager for both required and optional specifications. For any other questions, don't hesitate to contact us.